May 10, 2009

My treasure box

When I'm participating in art shows / sales I have a list of stuff to bring, you know the usual - product, receipt book, pens, credit cards slips, brochures, table clothes, business cards, etc. But I also have my treasure box. And the other artists always love it. So what's in my treasure box? Here's the list:

~ Tylenol
~ midol
~ throat lozenges
~ mouthwash
~ a loonie
~ band aids
~ extra shoes (feels great to change your shoes half way through the day)
~ granola bar
~ fruit
~ hand sanitizer
~ hand cream
~ small blanket
~ a good book
~ allergy pills
~ sunscreen

Just the little things that make the day go by a little bit easier. Now - get packing your treasurer box.


Anonymous said...

After doing shows for 27 years my 'treasure box' is a veritable trunk.....

~....for the younger artisans: tampons, mini pads
~Safety pins
~three pairs of extra shoes
~little cooler of fresh fruit, juice (I love Ceres), prewashed baby carrot sticks, bulk food store dry munchies, chockie almonds for a treat and always water (basics can be hard to find or expensive on site).
~homeopathic things like candied ginger for tummies, echinacea for on coming colds, vitamin C maybe some herb tea bags
~a good magazine (for shorter reading and if you're flipping through it you don't look too absorbed to attend to customers) especially a 'trade' one that has info on your craft.
~further to hand sanitizer.... wet ones.
~then there is your tool box/bag: hammer, duct tape, scotch tape, staple gun, stapler, crazy glue, multi screwdriver and so on.

No one is allowed to take anything out of your treasure trunk except on threat of their life if they don't return what they borrowed (maybe even replacing a borrowed tampon/pad) so you know you can always rely on it for emergency needs.
