Apr 27, 2009

It's so easy to get off track

Ok - so I have to tell a little secret to start this one - I read O Magazine. Not all the time, but when someone gives me an old copy I always read through it. This month (well the one I'm reading this month, I have no idea what issue it is really), she's talking about her weight gain, and how 1 month she was up 2 pounds - no biggy, then 5 pounds - still no biggy, then 10... you get the idea. And before she knew it she was up 40, she went off track.

Well, I'm not going to write about weight loss, but the idea of getting off track. I'm sure you've all been there. But what do you do about it? Last week I had a request for a custom ring. GREAT! April has been a great month for me for custom orders. So I brought some glass and my ring sizer so we could decided on the design and glass to use. The problem? This little girl wanted purple. Well, some art forms may have the luxury of working in purple, but us beach glass artists? Not very often. I have a few pieces of mauve, but unless you look close or compare it to a white piece of glass, they just look white. I've never found a deep purple. The mom tried to convince this little girl to pick a different color. Then someone standing near by said 'you could just take regular purple glass and tumble it'. I almost said yes. Can you believe it? If you've read previous entries you know that I pride myself on using only pure beach glass. I don't alter it, but I almost agreed to do it for a customer. There are somethings you do for customers, and there are somethings you don't. It would be like a CPR train on a CNR track. They just didn't do it, even though they could have.

I'm crossing my fingers she likes green because I'm delivering it tomorrow!


Tracy said...

So true...living this today! Did a shoot this weekend inside - which I rarely do...but it was a photographers dream... In the chaos of the event, someone wanted to tone down the ambiance and unfastened the drapes - dimmed my natural light! Instead of taking control of the lighting, I shyly managed around it... worked with flash (blech) and now feel so disappointed in that split second decision... as I edit and spend hours correcting the exposure. urgh. I got off track...and so easily could have got it back. Learning still...

traci said...

we are both VERY happy you stayed true to your form Lindsey.green is beautiful and she and i are both lovin the glass!i am so tickled to be the first mama and daughter set you've done to date also.fun fun fun!
glad there were no derailments!
choo choo!!!!