Jan 2, 2009

Let the plans begin....

Well, it's now more than 24 hours into 2009 and I've got my plans in motion - do you? I've got my revenue goals, my show list, and a 'I'm going to finally work on creating..." plan all outlined in a new book that Santa got me. Every year I start the year off like this. In fact, in the fall I found an old Hopes & Dreams book of mine and it was very refreshing to get to check off the things I put on my TO DO List 10 years a go.

I've also already had 2 requests to help friends sort out their new business dreams and where to start. During those discussions we talked about what a business plan really needs. Many soon-to-be entrepreneurs and artists are overwhelmed with the business plan outlines they find online, in books or remember from school. And honestly, your plan doesn't have to be that complicated unless the business you are in is that complicated. The most important thing is that it's useful and used!

Take 1 hour today and every week for the next 52 weeks to work on your plan. It only needs to include: what makes what you do unique - really unique and better than other options out there; who are your customers and how will you find them (not wait for them to find you); and money - how are you going to make it, how much and milestones. That's it, that's all, now go get started.....


Unknown said...

My problem is I have too many of those little books lying around now...
But, one of my resolutions this year is to amalgamate everything, and keep it all organized.
The latter part of '08 was spent deciding which direction I needed to go in to further my goals, and reach my aim. I've found that direction, I just need to take the steps now.

Good luck to you, and Good Health and Prosperity for the New Year to you and yours!


Anonymous said...

my plan is to try a few things, go some places, see some people, and enjoy the net