Oct 14, 2009

Show list for 2010

At the last Artist Roundtable Group we discussed what shows are coming up and should be attended. The list is not complete, nor will I guarantee it's accurate, but at least it's a starting point.

Click here for the Art and Craft Show list.


Jayne Ayre said...

Hi Lindsey,
Here is another show to add if you would like. It's called
"Old Ottawa South Art Festival" or it has also been known as "Art in Strathcona Park"
The date this year was September 19

Stacey Anderson said...

Another show:
Art Among the Ruins
Saturday, June 19, 2010
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
27 Earl Street, Newburgh, Ontario K0K 2S0

Jayne Ayre said...

Hi Lindsey.............
Ummmm there is another one this year called "The Gift Giving Show" at Fort Henry - Aug. 6th 7th and
Just thought I'd let you know.
Haha :0)